Leasing of production equipment

İstehsalat Avadanlığın lizinqi / Лизинг производственного оборудования

Interested in leasing new or slightly used Manufacturing equipment?
Are you looking for automotive repair, telecommunications, woodworking, paper products manufacturing, glass manufacturing and processing, plastic products manufacturing, construction materials manufacturing, energy, printing equipment and other modern industrial equipment in Baku, Azerbaijan?
With the support of EDF (Entrepreneurship Development Fund) by MCB NBCO on terms starting from 5% per year you can get food and industrial production and processing equipment manufactured by many leading companies in the world.

Production Equipment Leasing Terms*


maximum lease term


minimum down payment


minimum interest rate

* These credit terms are for informational purposes and are determined individually depending on the customer and the leasing object.
Please call us or write us on WhatsApp, our specialists will choose the best leasing conditions for you

NEED A BUSINESS LOAN TO PURCHASE A production equipment?

Don't wait until tomorrow - get a consultation right now via whatsapp

Our last completed projects **

With the support of the Entrepreneurship Development Fund of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, MCB NBCO offers concessional loans to entrepreneurs and legal entities who want to develop their business or start their own business in the production of sugar powder, sunflower oil, margarine, butter, flour, pasta products.
The professional employees of our company will closely assist you in finding this equipment, bringing it to the country (contracts, insurance, customs clearance), and installing it.

** The listed projects are for informational purposes and are determined individually depending on the client and the leasing object.
Please call us or write us on WhatsApp, our experts will choose the best car leasing conditions for you

Procedure for obtaining a leasing

The conditions of MCB NBCO programs and the loan/leasing procedure may depend on the specific company or individual.
The standard procedure for renting involves a clear algorithm of sequential actions.


The customer chooses the object he needs and according to the terms of the leasing


The customer submits an online application for financing


Within 24 hours, specialists of MCB NBCO make a decision on the application


In case of a positive answer, a leasing contract and payment schedule are drawn up


The leasing facility is purchased by MCB NBCO and leased to the customer


After the end of the contract, the object becomes the property of the client


It was no longer necessary to save money for months to get your dream car, construction and agricultural equipment, cosmetology, and medical production equipment.
“MCB Non-Bank Credit Organization” Closed Joint Stock Company offers to benefit from favorable leasing conditions for a period of up to 36 months with a down payment starting from only 15%.

Need a business loan without collateral?
Contact us right now!

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Lizinq Kalkulyatoru


Monthly payment

91.68 AZN